Symaxx - frontend for Maxima computer algebra system

### Important news 2001/04/06. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .###
### There has been a complete rewrite of Symaxx, called Symaxx/2. . . . . . . ###
### It is much more flexible (can even handle Maxima programs) and also . . . ###
### looks better. There is even a manual. I suggest you download . . . . . . .###
### 'Symaxx2_Prexx_tar.gz' instead of the old 'Symaxx_1.xx_tar.gz'. . . . . . ###
### It runs quite stable, but bug reports are always welcome. . . . . . . . . ###
General download site

Maxima is a very powerful and efficient computer algebra system, which has been around for more than 30 years. Recently, it was released under a GNU public license.
It has its homepage here (source and binary for Linux/Intel), the download site is here (maxima-386-linux-5.2-bin.tgz).
For convenience, I have 'mirrored' a RPM archive here, which also contains a more recent version. (maxima-5.4-1.i386.rpm).
Here are installation instructions.

Its main disadvantage is, that it runs in ASC-text mode only.

I started to write 'Symaxx'

  • to provide a graphical user interface for Maxima
  • as a platform for doing 'everyday mathematics' in an efficient, simple and 'safe' way.
  • As a guideline,

  • I try to keep it as simple as possible. People doing 'heavy duty' computing will use the established (commercially available) tools anyway.
  • Symaxx provides those 5 % of features, that are needed to do 95 % of your work.

    Then, it has some 'features' that you won't find anywhere else:
  • It sketches out the 'information flow' of the calculation with arrows. Each time, you refer to an existing equation, an arrow is drawn.
  • It keeps track on changes: If you change an equation,  all the 'dependent' expressions (those that refer to it) will be marked with a red warning sign.
  • You can add documentation text to each equation and each variable.
  • The 'Variable Manager' lists all variable names and associated properties (real, complex, integer, greater than something,..)

    Here is a screenshot:
    Another example is here.

    Brief description:

    In general, Symaxx leaves all the calculating to Maxima. The user enters mathematical expressions and Maxima commands.
    Every equation gets a unique identifier: 
    It  can be referred to by writing @ID@, as in . This looks a little bit cryptic at first glance, but in the end it just means 'insert the equations 6 and 7 verbatim into the ev(...,numer)-command (which calculates a numeric result, because of ,numer).
    In a similar way, the statement  inserts expressions 1,2,3,4 into expression 5 (,eval means: insert repeatedly into the first argument, so order does not matter).
    Each of the @ID@-statements results in an arrow drawn to the corresponding equation.

    If a 'referenced' expression is changed, a red warning sign lights up: It means, that the result is not up-to-date anymore:

    Every 'thing' that you see on the screen has two slots: One for the equation (which is actually displayed), and one for an (optional) Maxima-command:

    The 'equation'-slot is labeled 'Expr', the Maxima-command-slot 'Max Expr'.
    Entering a Maxima-command or right-clicking the gray area runs the command through Maxima, and puts the result into the 'equation' slot.


    There is a very basic interface to Gnuplot for 2-D plots on linear and logarithmic scales and export to EPS format. Also, Maxima's plotting functions can be invoked from Symaxx. Here is an example for Gnuplot:

    'Instant Solve'

    I'm planning a couple of features that simplify algebraic 'everyday' manipulations. Instant Solve is the first one to be implemented:
    Highlight any subexpression, press F10, and you get the selected expression isolated on the left side. Simple as that! (of course: 'garbage in -> garbage out')

    Now there is also a Tools-window, which contains some of the most important Maxima-commands (more info here).


    Look at the Tutorial and the example files, that come with the distribution. They should help to get you started.
    I'll write a 'real' manual sooner or later, but if somebody volunteers..?
    Anyway, much more important is the original Maxima documentation.


    There is a monitored discussion forum at (I get a copy of any question via e-mail).


  • Linux, but it should run under other Unix systems, too. Recently, I got it running under Solaris on a Sun.
  • A working Maxima installation, which you obtain by installing the binary distribution (actually, you can even view the tutorial without Maxima).
    Here are instructions for compiling Maxima yourself!
  • Perl Tk, which you can get from or from your Linux distribution. If you'd like to install it, I have written some Tk installation instructions.
  • Implementation details

    Symaxx is 100 % perl Tk. But don't laugh, speed is definitely not an issue, at least not on my P I 266.
    It should be mentioned, that Symaxx starts a new Maxima session each time you evaluate an expression (t<<1 sec). Therefore, it can't happen that you assign a value to a variable by accident and then wonder, why your results are strange.


    It's free. Artistic license, same as 'perl'.


    Late Beta. I use it myself and squash all the bugs I can find, but you'll probably want to verify your results (and this never hurts, anyway).


    Mostly frustration with licensing politics of commercially available systems.


    You can contact me here, Please *do* report bugs! If I don't know of a bug, I can't fix it.
    If you would like to contribute some example or documentation-please, go ahead!


    Download is available here (look at the version numbers and pick the highest one).


    Move 'Symaxx_1.xx_tar.gz' to some directory (for example /home/yourname/symaxx).
    gzip -dc Symaxx_1.xx_tar.gz | tar -xvf -
    chmod a+x symaxx
    run with
    Load 'Tutorial.mth' and go to the top-left corner.
    Also look at the one-line examples available through the Tools-menu at the end of the 'Tools'-list. There you find a handful of real-world, down-to-earth one-line examples.
    If you want to link to symaxx, you have to edit the file 'symaxx' and put the absolute path in the right place - see comments.


    If you find one, please put it on the forum or send a mail!

    This page is hosted at .